Contemporary Worship
9 am
Our Contemporary worship uses contemporary language, music, art, and technology to convey the weekly message. This service typically lasts one hour.
Traditional Worship
11 am
Our Traditional Worship uses the full liturgy, the Chancel Choir and traditional language and hymns. This service typically lasts an hour and 15 minutes.
Worship is a life-giving encounter with God that motivates and equips us. It’s a return to the source of our faith where we are mutually encouraged, enlightened, inspired, and regenerated. We strive to invite all people into a safe and trusting worship environment.

Worshipping with Kids
KIDS KITS are available in the Narthex for children to use during the service. They contain snacks, activities, crayons, etc. to keep your little ones occupied while still centered in worship. At the end of the service, simply leave your kit in the pews so they can be restocked with snacks and activities for the next child.
Sunday School for all ages is at 10 am starting September – May.
Worshipping with Physical Limitations
The pews have been cut back in certain spots on both sides of the sanctuary to make space for folks with wheelchairs or walkers.
Along the left side of the sanctuary, cushioned chairs are available for folks with back, hip, or leg issues or anyone else who could use the added support of a chair vs. a pew.

Worshipping with
Auditory/Visual Limitations
Large Print bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available upon request. Both are located in the Narthex just outside the Sanctuary. A greeter can help you find anything you might need.